It has been a  busy week at West Grantham Secondary Academy.  Years 9 and 10 were visited by the Army for Surge Training. The students took part in team building activities and were given information about various careers in the Army, pay and pensions. Staff and students alike were surprised by the generous pay and pensions on offer!

Year 7 students went on a visit to the Natural History Museum in London.  The students were very impressed with the actual size of the animals on display.

The craft club is becoming self-sufficient and sustainable.  They are producing high-quality work which they are selling to be able to fund more materials for their next project.

STEM club investigated endothermic and exothermic reactions, luckily the exothermic reactions avoided setting the fire alarms off – just! Scientists of the week was Libby Cullington, well done Libby.

A group of year 10 students attended Lincoln university to view the campus and accommodation.

The P.E department are transitioning to summer sports in preparation for the fast approaching sports day.  Clubs are being updated as dodgeball comes to an end and replaced with rounders from next week (Wednesday 3-4pm)