Welcome to the The West Grantham Church of England Secondary Academy’s SEN Information Report for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). All governing bodies of academy schools have a legal duty under the revised Code of Practice (2015) to publish information on their website about the implementation of their policy for students with SEND.

The West Grantham Church of England Secondary Academy recognises and celebrates the individuality and diversity of our students. It is a Church of England voluntary aided secondary school, committed to working together with all members of our school community. There are no restrictions on entry. Every student has an entitlement to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. The academy is committed to giving all students every opportunity to achieve the highest standards. We have an inclusive ethos with high expectations where everyone can achieve their full potential. We seek to engender a sense of belonging to the academy and to boost self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation.

Our information has been seen and discussed with students, parents/carers, governors and members of staff. The provision that we describe below is consistent with recommended good practice within Lincolnshire County Council’s Local Offer. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in its review, so please do contact us.

  • To view our SEN Policy, please click here.
  • To view our SEN Information Report, please click here.

The West Grantham Church of England Academy supports a wise range of needs, including:

  • VI, HI, MSI – visual, hearing, multi-sensory impairment
  • MLD – moderate learning difficulties
  • SpLD – dyslexia, developmental co-ordination disorder, dyscalulia
  • SLCN – speech, language, communication needs
  • SEMH – social, emotional and mental health difficulties, ADHD
  • ASD – autistic spectrum disorder
  • PD – physical disability