Parent Governor Election April 2024

The local governing body has 2 parent vacancies and is looking for parents/carers who are interested in this role to stand for election.

What are the benefits of being a parent governor?

  • Rewarding both personally and professionally
  • Provides the opportunity to work as part of a team
  • Build skill set e.g. strategic thinking, communication, decision making,
  • Be part of the wider school community.

To be eligible to stand you will need to have a child at the school and not be employed for more than 500 hours by the school or Local Authority. The most important aspect is that you have a keen interest in the school and are prepared to play an active role in the work of the local governing body.

For more information, please click here.

Between 1 January 2021 and 31 August 2023 the Academy was governed by an Interim Executive Board.  The purpose of the Interim Executive Board (IEB) was to provide interim expertise and high quality governance to address the school’s concerns and put in place a strategy for sustainable improvement, including the promotion of high standards of educational achievement.

The IEB had all the responsibilities of a normally constituted governing body, but additionally it was charged with conducting the school, “so as to secure, as far as is practicable to do so, the provision of a sound basis for future improvement in the conduct of the school”. The IEB combined the non-executive role of a governing body with a more operational role in order to bring about rapid improvement.

In June 2023, the SNMAT Board approved to appoint a Local Governing Body from 1 September 2023.

Local Governing Body

The Chair of Governors is Mr Martin O’Connell.  You can contact him through the Clerk, Ms Julie Rickerby:

The West Grantham Church of England Secondary Academy

The Avenue, Dysart Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire  NG31 7PX

Tel: 01476 405200


Statutory Information

Governor Vacancies

The Directors of the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust (SNMAT) are seeking to recruit governors to join the Local Governing Body of The West Grantham Church of England  Secondary Academy.  SNMAT is a successful and expanding MAT based in Southwell, Nottinghamshire whose core purpose is to make things better for the pupils and communities that its partner academies serve.

The Academy is seeking to grow their Local Governing Body with committed, enthusiastic governors with the skillset to support and challenge the leadership in equal measure.

It is not essential that applicants have previous experience of working in a school.  We are seeking to recruit individuals with or looking to gain experience at working at a strategic level and share our vision to champion and rejoice in those we serve, creating an environment where excellence is achieved and potential fulfilled.

If you are interested in applying to become a governor, please contact the Clerk, Ms Julie Rickerby, by email to or by telephone on 01476 589261.

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