The West Grantham Church of England Academy is committed to providing a full and efficient education for all pupils. We sincerely believe that all pupils benefit from the education provided at the Academy and therefore monitor regular academy attendance. To this end, the Academy will do as much as it can to ensure that all pupils achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems, which may impede full attendance, are acted upon as quickly as possible.

Attendance has an impact on the pupils’ opportunity to reach their potential.

Did you know:

  •  95% attendance means that your child has missed one week of school
  • 90% attendance means that your child has missed two weeks of school
  • 80% attendance means that your child has missed four weeks of school
  • Attendance of below 90% over five years is equivalent to your child missing half a year of school
  • Attendance below 80% over five years means that your child misses a whole year of school

Contacting the Academy

It is imperative that we receive contact from parents to ensure the safety and well- being of the students who are absent from school.

It is necessary for parents to contact school on every day of the absence, even if the illness is an ongoing symptom.

If you are aware that your child will be absent from school it is possible to leave a message on the absence line: 01476 405200 or send us a message from your MCAS account.


Arriving punctually allows students to meet friends before registration and settle into the school day. The learning starts in tutor time and assembly, commencing at 8.30am; students that are even a few minutes late are frequently unsettled, which can affect their ability to engage well with their learning. These minutes will also quickly add up to mean loss of learning time.

Attendance Achievement

We recognise achievement in all areas of school life, including good attendance through the Class Charts Reward system with students gaining positive points for every week that they attain 100% attendance. A rivalry is enjoyed between tutor groups with an Attendance Cup, which is awarded in assembly every week to the tutor group with the highest weekly attendance figure. Individual students also receive recognition through the awarding of 100% Attendance Certificates at strategic points throughout the year.

Attendance Policy

Attendance – Supporting you to understand the new rules from LCC

Attendance – LCC