To help our students to develop the skills and traits needed for success outside the classroom and into their future careers, we feel that getting our leadership right is critical, as we want students to enthusiastically participate in a broad range of activities, many of which they organise themselves and all students are actively encouraged to lead.

Our leadership model has two central tiers:

Leadership from our Head Prefects and their respective Deputies.

Student Prefects – students that champion academy life and our values.

The student leadership team have prioritised six key areas which drive the academy forward.

  1. Charity – a relentless drive to serve others and support those in need
  2. Sport – promoting activities and mass participation
  3. Mentoring – Supporting students via being a peer mentor and providing extra support of Literacy and Numeracy
  4. Community – working to develop faith and the care of others
  5. Head of School– acting as academy representatives and establishing effective learning
  6. Anti-bullying – being a peer to talk to and providing an additional level of pastoral support by helping to run the schools Anti Bullying Ambassadors

Applications for the Student Leadership Team are submitted during the start of the Autumn Term with interviews being held prior to the team being appointed for that academic year.

Student Leadership 2024/25

Year 11

  • Ellie Broom
  • Annabel Dawson
  • Keanen Burnett
  • Dante Lee-Xavier
  • Connor Whitfield
  • Layla Pulford
  • Kacey Haynes
  • Grace Curry
  • Cole Green-Rowland
  • Lily Ashcroft
  • Lilien Lang

Year 8

  • Hope Howkins
  • Kiera Hubbard
  • Tiffany Haynes
  • Abi Dobney
  • Aliona Fardell
  • Casey Brock
  • Josiah Bedford
  • Lennon Walker
  • Brian Eduku