What will we learn in Drama at WGSA?
All children have the right to express themselves – Drama amplifies this in a safe, encouraging environment. A skill that Drama instils in our students is the ability to harness their creativity and the subject also helps them communicate well with others, on and off the stage. In Drama, we learn not only about acting roles, but the many jobs available in theatre or film production. We develop our understanding of parts of the stage and all of the important behind-the-scenes roles, later moving to more theoretical approaches to the subject.
Drama is crucial in helping pupils to improve peer relationships and confidence so that they are ready for both auditions and the world. Here at WGSA, we have chosen to explore topics specifically because of their interesting social and cultural impact. Some of our topics include: Rosa Parks, Private Peaceful, Inside Out, Hidden Figures and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Each of these explore key theatrical conventions and give students a chance to engage in practical drama work, but also involve important messages to spark interesting discussions about society and history.
How do we encourage students to succeed in Drama at WGSA?
The drama curriculum offers varied opportunities for pupils to hone their performance skills. As the cornerstone of Drama, performances are a valuable part of the learning journey and as such, pupils are expected to use feedback given by their peers and teacher to develop their dramatic skills.
In addition to this, written assessments are a regular feature of drama and focus on analysis and evaluation of performances as well as developing justification for pupils creative choices.
In drama, adaptive teaching is used to support learners with gaps in their knowledge. This includes the pre-teaching of key vocabulary, modelling of using vocabulary and how to articulate answers. Sentence starters and scaffolds are also used to support students in their written work. A variety of modelling is used for practical elements to show students how to perform. Formative feedback is given regularly by the teacher and peers and is tailored to each student during practical activities.
How do Drama lessons at WGSA help students to prepare for the world of work?
We explore a range of different themes and introduce children to a variety of real and imaginary situations, sparking their interest in the world in which they live and making them more inquisitive. We promote involvement in STEM careers through our scheme on ‘Hidden Figures’.
Students learn to collaborate with others, think analytically and evaluate effectively. They gain the confidence to pursue their own ideas, reflect and refine their efforts. Whatever the future holds, students of Drama emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in further studies and the world of work.
Students can choose to develop as a:
- Performer
- Designer (lighting, sound, set, costume, puppets)
- Performer and designer
Whichever option they choose, students can be sure to gather many invaluable skills, both theatrical and transferable, to expand their horizons.
How we promote WGSA’s vision and values in our Drama lessons?
Students in Drama lessons will have the courage to attempt all tasks to the best of their abilities, even if it involves something a student has never done before! We will work together to build confidence and bravery. The Drama Studio is a safe space, free from judgement and full of love: we engage in teamwork and collaboration between all students and encourage each other to be positive and kind, finding positives in all performances. We show integrity by being honest in our feedback, learning from mistakes and understanding what we can do better next time. Drama students build strong moral principles through the topics we study, instilling a belief that we are each capable of taking on challenges and having the ambition and determination to solve problems and master the art of Drama.