English contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • Developing confidence and expertise in language which is important to help develop social identity.
  • Reading a range of literature from across the ages allows students to broaden their understanding of different cultures, moral and social issues.
  • Exploring student’s awareness of social issues and how these have changed over time.
  • Discussing how literature has shaped society through a range of fiction, journalism, film, television, and radio.

Mathematics contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • Exploring mathematical methodologies from different cultures
  • Exploring fate, determination, and destiny through probability
  • Making sense of objects and the world around us using mathematical rules and theorems
  • Providing opportunities for reviewing, analysing, and presenting data from a range of sources such as electoral or social issues.

Science contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • Experimental science which allows students to have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others, and the world around them.
  • Discussing the ethical issues around genetic engineering and selective breeding to appreciate the viewpoints of others.
  • Having the opportunity to appreciate cultural opportunities around trips to scientific locations of interest.
  • Having the opportunity to reflect on and analyse the results of experiments carried out by both them and others.
  • Showing the impact their own behaviour and actions have on medical care in greater society.

Religious Education contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • Learning about beliefs, values, practices, and the concept of spirituality.
  • Allowing opportunities to investigate and challenge moral and ethical issues.
  • Reflecting on the significance of religious teaching in students’ own lives and respect for the right of others to hold beliefs different from their own.
  • Promoting an understanding of the influence of religion on society.
  • Fostering appreciation and understanding of different cultures, religions, and traditions.
  • Allowing opportunities for debate and discussion linked to theological, philosophical, and ethical topics. 

History contributes to students SMSC development through:

  • Exploring and teaching emotive and controversial topics such as racism, the slave trade, the holocaust, and Civil Rights Movement.
  • Frequent opportunities for decision making which require students to think about different opinions and actions of key figures from the past and present-day historians.
  • Studying the changing society and governance of Britain.
  • Exploring the impact religion and beliefs have had on the development of societies both in the UK and the wider world.
  • Developing understanding of the role some countries have had on societies in other parts of the world.

Geography contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • Frequent opportunities for decision making which requires a reflection on different ideas, cultures, and perspectives.
  • Development of knowledge on a wide variety of countries and continents.
  • Opportunities to reflect and make comparisons between their own life and that of others.
  • Understanding of the impact of cultures at a local, regional global scale.

ICT contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • The increasing use of technology in all aspects of society makes confident, creative, and productive use of ICT an essential skill for life.
  • The mastery of technical skills linked to ICT and an understanding of how to implement enables students to be safe when using the internet and associated platforms.
  • Students develop an understanding of the moral and ethical viewpoint when formulating and sending emails, storing data and personal information.

Drama contributes to students’ SMSC development through:

  • Discussing and reflecting on their own experiences and beliefs and the experiences and beliefs of others.
  • Using imagination and creativity to create drama pieces and develop their responses to scripts.
  • Raising discussions around a variety of ethical issues such as: slavery, sexism, and the civil rights movement.
  • Developing a range of social skills through working with a variety of peers.
  • Exploring cultural diversity through studying theatre around the world.

PE contributes to our students’ SMSC development through:

  • Ensuring students have tactical awareness by creating and developing attacking and defensive set plays.
  • Encouraging participation in extracurricular clubs and fixtures.
  • Ensuring students follow the instructions and decisions made by officials, abiding by the rules, in all sporting situations.
  • Using sporting examples of both able and disabled bodied athletes and their achievements.
  • Listening teacher feedback, analyse their own performance and know how to improve their performance through knowledge of skills.

Art contributes to our students’ SMSC development through:

  • Looking at the artwork of other cultures, people living with disabilities and the LGBT+ community.
  • Discussing the differences and similarities between different cultures, people living with disabilities and the LGBT+ community, listening to the ideas and differing viewpoints, opinions, and ideals, promoting and celebrating the differences.
  • Exploring the diversity of materials and the ways in which art can influence our emotional well-being.
  • Reflecting on the wonder of the enormous wealth of artists, designers, craftspeople, photographers, and cultures both past and contemporary from all walks of life.
  • Co-operation in practical activities.
  • Consideration for others’ thoughts, feelings, and abilities.