As we near the end of the GCSE exam series, the year 11 students had a welcome reward by taking part in their enrichment activities on Friday.  The students have embraced the exams and have been amazing throughout with their efforts and behaviour.

The summer term brings two new club offers – Ultimate Frisbee, Wednesday’s from 3.00pm until 4.00pm and Rounders, Thursday’s from  3.00pm until 4.00pm.

All clubs continue to run from this week.  To attend a club, students need to sign up through MCAS or via a letter, which can be collected from the main office.

Our year 9 Inspire+ sports ambassadors represented the school this week by supporting at a cricket match.  Next week they will be helping with the Mini-Olympics at the Meres Leisure Centre, where over 50 primary schools will be taking part.

Enrichment continues to provide our students with new opportunities and experiences, this week’s highlights were; baking scones, archery, mountain biking, clay modelling, eye ball dissection, guitar playing in music and chess.