It is really exciting to see the numbers in our clubs so buoyant. Football club on Monday with Mr Brown and Mr Hemmings was very popular and full of excitement.  With fixtures on the horizon, the students are honing their skills and match play in preparation for this.

Reading club continues to encourage a quiet time to read and reflect.

The fitness suite offers independent training for those wanting to flex their muscles and improve their fitness levels.  It is also a time to spend with friends working out and to release some endorphins after a tough day in the classroom.

The dance group are preparing for the Christmas production and have already memorised the first part of their routine.  Miss Philips is doing a great job of choreographing the routine and ensuring they stay in count.

Dodgeball is an hour of action.  The noise of enjoyment echoes through the school proving it’s popularity.

We are really excited about our new Boccia club which we have opened up on an invitee only basis.  Mr Gillion is coaching the team ready for a tournament that we hope to be part of soon. This is a great place for our students to build confidence and enjoy some competitive play in a relaxed and calm environment.

Debate club was busy this week looking at the pros and cons of AI. Students discussed it’s ability to help people but also the potential risks it could bring in the future.