Throughout the week, the Library has hosted a number of activities in celebration of World Book Day.
On Wednesday, the Library classroom was transformed into ‘La Book Café’ where students were invited to a book tasting. Waiters served a wide range of books from a number of genres and due to the success of this event the café will be opening again to students later in the year.
Throughout the week students have taken part in a Book Swap. They have brought unwanted books into school to exchange for books donated by other students. We saw over 100 books swapped during the week! The students demonstrated their fantastic community spirit by giving their swap tokens to friends who hadn’t been able to bring a book to swap.
On Thursday teachers finished their lessons with a few minutes of reading from their favourite books. Students heard from a great selection of books, including Goodnight Mr Tom, The Hobbit, and Skandar and the Unicorn Thief. Miss Phillip’s choice of the Lord of the Flies was so popular that her class want it to be their new class reader book and students are requesting for it to be added to the Library stock!
Friday saw our regular weekly Kahoot being taken over by our Book Club. They created 32 questions ranging from Roald Dahl to Harry Potter to Heartstopper. They had great fun coming up with red herrings for the multiple choice questions, although we are not quite sure how many were fooled into thinking Frankenstein had flowing pink hair!
Thank you to Miss Mackintosh for organising a brilliant week of reading and activities.